The future of a Christian is secure in life because of the death and resurrection of God’s Son. He died so that we don’t have to.
Even though every person eventually dies, death is not at all natural. Every human being will one day pass away, but death itself was not a part of God’s original plan. Death entered the world as a consequence of sin.

Photo: Unsplash, Umit Yildirim
There is a reason we instinctively abhor death and the fact that it eventually swallows everyone we know and love. We as human beings are made in the image of God, and God is the Author of life. It is written into our hearts that life is precious, valuable, and worth preserving. This is why death is so vile to us. It is why we cry when we hear the news about someone passing away. We are made to enjoy and radiate life, not death.
So, while the bleakness of death looms over every living person, the Bible gives the Christian bright hope to shine in the face of darkness. Isaiah 25:8 says God “will swallow up death forever” and “wipe away tears from all faces.” This is amazing and vivid language from the prophet Isaiah, no doubt used to counter attack the fear all people have because of death.
In the end, the death that swallows people will itself be swallowed up by the Author of life. What we typically think of as “the end” will fundamentally come to an end.
Why? Or a more important question might be, “how?”
Well, because death is not the end for the follower of Jesus Christ—death was defeated when the Son of God conquered it and rose from the dead. And if we are in him as believers, we can be certain of the fact that in time, he will wipe away every tear from our eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain because the old order of things have passed away. Christ’s death on the cross and his powerful resurrection from the tomb give the believer hope for a future that isn’t stained by the dark doom of death, but confidence in the bright certainty that life will forever go on in his presence.
Jesus Christ rose from the grave, proving once and for all that he holds the keys to life and death itself. He offers us life as a loving gift of his grace, so our future is no longer bleak.
For further study and encouragement: Isaiah 25:8, Revelation 21:4
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