DoubtLess—Order Here

Is God good? Can I trust him with my life? Is the Bible true? These are just some of the questions that can plague young adults as they stand at the crossroads of life, when new responsibilities loom large and the world around them treats God as a small or irrelevant part of life. Used for biblical reflection, group discussion, devotional reading, DoubtLess is full of gospel hope for those grappling with the mysteries of Christian faith. From New Growth Press. Foreword by Sam Allberry.

Pressure Points—Order Here

This humorous, poignant, and conversational guide invites young men and women to practically apply gospel solutions to all of lifes pressures. From navigating failure, roadblocks, and spiritual warfare to tackling relevant, topics such as drinking, sex, dating, pornography, and FOMO, Pressure Points encourages college students to consider Jesus in the midst of everyday struggles. From New Growth Press. Foreword by Paul David Tripp.

 Jacked–Order Here

Jacked is a collection of stories, anecdotes, and observations about expanding God’s kingdom. It is written with humor, passion and insight about that which is most important — seeing people inspired to be God’s Kingdom builders. Like a journalist at the scene of an interesting event, Jacked chronicles what I’ve seen, heard and experienced. But, unlike a journalist, I’m not a neutral “just the facts, ma’am” observer: I’m pretty jacked about what I’ve witnessed and I’m trying to convince you to experience the same.

I Am A Tool–Order Here

I Am a Tool is an insightful, humorous, and useful book to help both men and women who love Jesus to drop-kick the common “business as usual” practices of relationships and dating. It is a biblical call to something greater and healthier in our dating lives, while simultaneously a challenge for us to seek connections with others in the context of service, communication, friendship, and patience. Whether your questions or struggles have to do with sex, singleness, breakups, or what social media has to do with any of it, I Am a Tool will meet you where you’re at and help you move forward in a direction that honors Jesus. Foreword by Matt Smethurst.

What’s The Point?Order Here

Do you know somebody who doesn’t see the point in marriage? What’s the Point? is a small easy read for anyone asking questions about living together and marriage. It will help answer the questions related to cohabitation/marriage raised by nominally Christian or non-believing college students. Isn’t marriage obsolete anyhow? Isn’t it just an expensive way to set your relationship up to fail? Moving in together is easy. But this book explores the side you might not hear: why marriage might be a good idea after all. Foreword by Bryan Carter.