OCMD: The Best Summer of Your Life

Each summer, my family and I head off to Ocean City, Maryland to lead the OCMD Summer Mission. This year will be no different.

Ocean City, MD has long been a favorite hot spot for high school seniors, college students, and families alike. With 27 blocks of boardwalk, an amusement park, and a beautiful beach, it’s the perfect environment for a great summer. Throw in a couple thousand international college students, living and working there, and you have a tremendous opportunity for a world-impacting ministry.

The OCMD Summer Mission places a high emphasis on student ownership and leadership development. Our hope is to help better prepare you to lead on your campus, and to equip you for a lifetime of personal ministry. If you love the beach, the boardwalk, personal ministry development, and reaching students from all around the world, then consider joining me and 50 other college students/Cru staff from around the country in OCMD. I promise you nothing but the best summer of your life.

Here’s our new promo video…it captures the spirit of the mission quite nicely:

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