The Ultimate Question

How Do You Deal With The Resurrection?

After saving it on my “reading list” for a couple of months, I was finally able to click on a TGC (The Gospel Coalition) link and listen to a compelling sermon by David Platt concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

There are many who question Christianity, the Bible, and Christians themselves, and I personally know quite a few in my circle of family and friends. Yet while there are good apologetics for these kinds of subjects, I always like to come back to the person of Jesus Himself. I regularly ask the question, “Who is Jesus?” or “Is Jesus Christ dead at this moment? Are His bones in the ground?”

If one can answer that question (one way or the other), the dominoes begin to fall, and other questions regarding the Bible, God, creation, and church history begin to fall in the light of the fact that Jesus is NOT dead. Platt’s sermon is excellent rhetoric to start the sway of the first domino. I highly recommend you give it a listen when you have 33 minutes free to absorb it. It will help you tremendously, along with bolstering your confidence in the risen Jesus.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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