What’s It To You?

Contentment with the grace God has lavished on you is the key to gospel satisfaction in the Christian life. Comparison, however, will destroy that satisfaction.

I’m guilty of falling into the trap of consistently glancing at what others have or experience, and then quickly evaluating whether or not I’m living with what I perceive to be the same benefits they live with. In other words, I struggle a lot with contentment.

It’s been said that comparison is the thief of all joy, and I must say I agree. If I compare the kind of material goods I own with someone who is much wealthier than I am, I quickly begin to covet what they have. There’s no joy in that.

On the other end of the spectrum, if I compare my stuff with someone else’s that aren’t as nice, I feel superior to them, rot with pride. There’s no joy in pride either.

I’m reminded here of the end of the book of John when Peter asks Jesus about what’s going to happen to John in the future, and Jesus responds with, “What is that to you? You follow me!”

Living life with our head on a constant “swivel,” always looking around at what other people have, receive, enjoy, participate in, do, or experience is not the call of the Christian life. Our responsibility is to follow Jesus and trust in what He graciously provides for us, regardless of what that looks like in comparison to anyone else.

Comparison leads to jealousy or pride. Contentment in Christ leads to joy, peace, and humility.

Whenever you may be tempted to “side glance” at the others who in your estimation either have more or less in comparison to you, remember the words of Christ to Peter and recalibrate your life’s lenses to focus on the grace He has lavished on you by sacrificing His one and only Son. If you are in Christ, you need nothing more because you have been given eternity’s most precious gift already.

For further study and encouragement: John 21:20-23

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